EdTech Focus: Microsoft Sharepoint

Microsoft Sharepoint is a cloud-based collaboration platform that allows teachers to organise and share information quickly and easily. It enables teachers to create collaborative workspaces to store and share documents and data, as well as create blogs and wikis for collaborative learning. Sharepoint also allows teachers to manage their teams, track tasks and collaborate with colleagues and students.

1. You can use Microsoft Sharepoint to store and organise digital teaching materials, such as lecture slides, handouts, and other documents.

2. You can use Sharepoint to create and manage online discussions, allowing students to collaborate on projects and ask questions.

3. You can use Sharepoint to keep track of student progress and assignments, allowing you to easily monitor and grade student work.

4. You can use Sharepoint to create online quizzes and assessments, allowing you to test student knowledge quickly and efficiently.

5. You can use Sharepoint to set up and manage online study groups, allowing students to work together and share resources.

6. You can use Sharepoint to give students access to course materials, such as lecture slides and handouts, when they need them.

7. You can use Sharepoint to create an online library of resources, such as research articles, journals, and books, making it easy for students to find information.

8. You can use Sharepoint to give students access to course announcements and updates, so they can stay up-to-date with course requirements.

9. You can use Sharepoint to give students access to feedback and grades, so they can track their progress and understand how they can improve.

10. You can use Sharepoint to create an online portfolio of student work, allowing them to showcase their achievements and skills to potential employers.

Microsoft Sharepoint is an extremely useful resource for A-level students as it allows for easy collaboration and communication. It is an invaluable tool for a distributed learning environment as it allows for efficient sharing of notes and resources between teachers and students. Additionally, it provides an effective way to organise and store documents, which can help students to manage their workload more efficiently and boost their productivity.

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